Editorial Policies

Style and Conventions of The Highlander

The magazine will follow the rules and guidelines provided by the latest AP Stylebook.

Professional journalism standards are expected to be upheld by the students at all times. Students are required to hold high ethical and academic standards. All the content published is the original production of the students. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. All the publications that contain research must be accurate and verifiable.

Governance of The Highlander

  • The AUA Student magazine is responsible before an independent body – Editorial Advisory Board (EAB).

Editorial Advisory Board consists of

  • AUA Student Council representative
  • AUA Communications representative
  • AUA Student Affairs representative
  • English and Communications Program Chair
  • Faculty Advisor
  • The EAB carries the authority and responsibility for the student publication at AUA.
  • The EAB will oversee that the policies stated in this document are being followed by the students. The students will be held accountable before the EAB for the violation of any of the policies.
  • EAB shares the right with the Editors-in-Chief of the magazine to terminate anyone’s membership to the magazine if they find that the terms of the agreement have been violated by them.

Policies of The Highlander:

  • As a student magazine operating within the institution, it is obliged not to publish any content undermining the university’s reputation. However, the Editors-in-Chief reserve the right to decision-making about the publication and its content as long as it abides by the university’s policies.
  • The student press must be free of censorship and a copy must be approved in advance by EAB before publication.
  • Although the magazine operates within the university, it does not take a side with the university’s or any other party’s point of view. Objectivity must be maintained throughout the magazine.
  • The activities of the magazine should not jeopardize the operation of the university.
  • Discussions between the magazine’s staff and EAB are strictly confidential.
  • All the members of the magazine must agree that they will abide by the policies stated in this document.

Code of Ethics of The Highlander:

  • The Highlander is guided by the principles of ethical journalism.
  • The Highlander is fair, accurate, honest, responsible and independent.
  • Truth is its guiding principle.
  • It avoids practices that would conflict with the ability to report and present news in a fair, accurate, and unbiased manner.
  • The Highlander should guard against inaccuracies, carelessness, bias, or distortion through emphasis, omission, or technological manipulation.
  • The magazine should strive for impartial treatment of issues and dispassionate handling of controversial subjects. It should provide a forum for the exchange of commentary and criticism, especially when such commentary is opposed to its editorial positions. Editorials and expressions of personal opinion by reporters and editors should be clearly labeled. Advertising should be differentiated from news.
  • The magazine should report the news laws without regard for its own interests, mindful of the need to disclose potential conflicts. It should not give favored news treatment to advertisers or special-interest groups.
  • Attacking someone’s character, personality, views and beliefs are strictly prohibited. Students must not make baseless accusations, assaults on personal integrity, or harass anyone—regardless of the reason.
  • Reporters are not permitted to post or share information that is obscene, defamatory, a violation of privacy, or would cause a significant disturbance in university activities.
  • All the content published is an original work of the reporters of the magazine. Plagiarism is not tolerated.