Is That Drink Worth the Wait? • 

While Coffee House’s branches continue to increase, the business profits by serving quick and mediocre drinks. Established in 2015 as…

Raising Voices Instead of Hands • 

What is it that comes to mind when thinking about Armenian culture? Those could be the strong family bonds and…

Food: Fuel or Burden? • 

You might have heard your parents say, “Finish the plate, or else you won’t grow up!” to encourage them to…

The Diamond Ring: A Symbol of Love or Lost Freedom? • 

While love can be a beautiful and meaningful feeling, it does not necessarily guarantee a lifelong, successful marriage. It is…

AUA’s Cafeteria is in Desperate Need of Changes • 

A lot of people say I am a picky eater. I am not. Being a vegetarian does not make me…

The Art of Following the Unwritten Rules at AUA • 

Have you ever felt frustrated and drained at the end of the day, even if you think there was nothing,…