Academic City as the Next Milestone in Armenian Education • 

It is hard to imagine Yerevan without students, whether on university campuses, public libraries, or even long-lasting lines in front…

AUA’s New Facility: What is Media Lab and How to Use It? • 

A year ago, while rushing to the computer labs of AUA, right at the corner, AUA students could see an…

Battle Between Universities: AUA’s Debate Team in Intercollegiate Competition • 

The hall was crowded, yet the audience was dead silent. Their eyes were on the two teams. Sitting in front…

Scouting Young Frontiersmen: The Art of Survival • 

A pocket knife, two polyester ropes, a compass, a flashlight, a water bottle, medical tape, and a bandage are some…

Taking the Mascot Memes to Another Level: Duolingo’s Strategic Success • 

It is late in the evening, and everything is weirdly peaceful. Suddenly, a notification pops up on the phone. It…