A Lunch With an Old Friend • 

Canโ€™t lose my eyes. Canโ€™t sleep. Tar black, long, sharp claws digging into the soft fabric of my brain, tearing…

Armenia Emerges as the New Tech Hub • 

While its neighboring countries work on improving their railway infrastructure, Armenia has targeted a whole different sector to enhance its…

The Art of Following the Unwritten Rules at AUA • 

Have you ever felt frustrated and drained at the end of the day, even if you think there was nothing,…

TEDxAUA: The Student-Run Organization • 

For the past five years, TEDxAUA has become a place for members of the AUA community to share their diverse…

Expectations in Your Twenties Versus Reality • 

Growing up seems appealing and exciting when you are young, but when you finally do and reality sets in, your…

How Did the Highlander Start? • 

In January 2021, Sona Gevorgyan and Anna Andreasyan, EC seniors, launched an online magazine for AUA students, called The Highlander.…