Halidzor Fortress: A Symbol of Resilience for the People of Syunik

Illustration by Meghrie Yaacoubian

For centuries, the mountains of Syunik have stood as a symbol of the Armenian people’s resilience and determination to protect their land, nation, and faith. Halidzor, one of the relatively well-preserved defense structures in the heart of Syunik, stands as a testament to the courage and strength of the region’s people.

Although Halidzor Fortress is best known as the center of the Davit-Beks Liberation Movement, it was initially built as a convent. The first written mention of the Halidzor Convent was made in 1653. Later, in 1723, Davit-Bek declared Halidzor as the center of Kapan and, with further improvements, turned it into an unbreakable fortress. After the collapse of the Davit-Beks principality, Halidzor Became the hereditary estate (manor) of the Melik-Parsadanian family. The proliferation of that Melik house caused them to leave the narrow walls of Halidzor and move to a larger space, village Bekh, now a district of Kapan city.

According to Aramayis Hovhannisyan, a history and social science teacher, Halidzor played a pivotal role in Armenian history. “These walls still remember the 13000 casualties of ‘undefeatable’ Ottoman armies, who launched a campaign to secure control over the South Caucasus,” he said. The people of Syunik are constantly prepared to take up arms and stand in defense of their land, nation, and faith if necessary by honoring the bravery of the 300 guardians of Halidzor, who successfully repelled the enemy’s attack on their own during the battle of Halidzor.

Today, Halidzor represents the national pride of Syunik’s population and especially Kapan, more than ever before. The region has been facing renewed threats to its security and sovereignty, with Azerbaijani troops encroaching on its borders and Turkey providing support to its ally. The 2020 Artsakh War has left the region on high alert, and Syunik’s people must take measures to protect themselves and their land.

“We know the value of peace; our wounds have not healed from the airstrikes and artillery bombing of the 1990s,” said Hovhannisyan. “Every Syunik family wants this conflict to end and finally bring peace to the mountains and ridges of Syunik, restoring peace and stability in the region.”

Despite the challenges, the people of Syunik remain committed to their land and nation. They take pride in the strength and resilience of their ancestors who defended Halidzor and are ready to follow in their footsteps if necessary. At the same time, they hope peace can be achieved and they can once again live in security and prosperity in their beloved region.

The fortress of Halidzor represents not only the historical significance of the Armenian people but also the resilience and determination of the people of Syunik to protect their land, nation, and faith. The people of Syunik have a long and sacred history, and they remain committed to defending their land and their people while also hoping for a peaceful and prosperous future.

Halidzor Fortress, 2022. (Photo/Hrach Arzumanyan)

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Anri Chilingaryan
Anri Chilingaryan
6 months ago

Interesting Article, Brief, Informative and Understandable.

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